Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Easter && Birthday

Happy May everyone!!!
Can you believe that the year is almost half way through already?
This just blows my mind, in a good way of course.
It just means that we get to meet little Duke that much sooner!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Ours was amazing.
I woke up early to make some scratch-made cinnamon rolls.
Robbie took this picture right before they were put in the oven!
he was a bit obsessed with them!
The Easter Bunny left Lia an Easter egg hunt leading from her bedroom into the front yard, that led her back to her Easter basket. She had such a hay day. She loved it!!

We went to brunch at my mom's house and went to see my dad for a little bit.
We then enjoyed an early dinner some other family as well.
It was a lovely day. The most perfect weather, very relaxing.
Last Thursday, the 1st, we celebrated my birthday!
I'm the big 23 now!!
23 with 2 kids, who would have thought?
We spent the afternoon with Lia at the Zoo.
A lot of the animals weren't out, so that was a bit disappointing, but still fun, nonetheless.

After the zoo, we went back home for Lia to catch a nap and then my lovely mom watched Lia for us while we went out for steaks at Texas Roadhouse (always a great choice)
It was very chill, just the way I like it.
The next day, I actually dropped Robbie off to the airport for him to go off on a guy's trip to Kentucky!
He went out on his little getaway to meet up with some friends to go to the Kentucky Derby.
Robbie and I had fun shopping for a new look for Robbie to wear there.
All the fellas looked sharp in their Derby best.
Robbie, Jordan, David

They drove about an hour and a half to go to the Reds game in Cincinnati.
Robbie with his buddy Jordan.
The guys had such a blast. I'm glad they decided to get together for this fun trip.
Robbie works so hard for us so he definitely deserved to get away for a bit.
In baby news,
I am 32 weeks today.
I've gained a total of 36 pounds so far.
My uterus is measuring right on track and it feels like Duke has officially ran out of room.
His movements seems to be strong but in slow motion.
Stretching out and relaxing seems to be his thing (he likes to be in my hips and rib cage at the same time).
We have began the makeover for his room, got it all cleared out from being Lia's playroom and started the painting process. We are about done with his ceiling, just about one more coat of white and we should be golden there.. We chose a super light blue to go on all of his walls. I think it will look bright and lovely, since he has two windows in his room.
We aren't rushing to get his room done, we want it to come together naturally, we want it to be as perfect as he is. So in the meantime, we bought him a new bassinet that now sits in our bedroom, ready for him to sleep in. Lia helped me assemble it and even chose a special blanket and animal to welcome him to it, it just shows how much she loves him.
April 26th, my wonderful girlfriend, Dallas threw me a little lunch/brunch shower at Brio.
The food was to die for, as always, and the company was even better.
Duke was spoiled for sure. He got some basics like binkies and burp clothes, etc and a ton of adorable clothes and socks. It's just too much to handle really.
Since the restaurant was right next to Nordstrom, we decided to go in and look around.
I spotted these little sneaks below and just could not pass them up..
Boys stuff is to die for.
Taken on my birthday (may 1st) with a treat I have been obsessing over... root beer floats. mmm so good!
We have just about 8 weeks or less left.
I've been having a lot of strong Braxton Hicks contractions for a few weeks now, so I'm definitely thinking I'm not going to be going over due like I did with Lia, but who knows!
I'm really just trying to enjoy having just Lia around for right now. Her energy and feisty-ness has been making it really hard for me to keep up but I try my hardest.
Anything that involves her new baby brother or even if his name is said, Bug just lights up and can't help but jump in and talk about him or get involved in some way.
I'm so excited that I start my hypnobirthing classes on Wednesday nights starting May 28th and will go all the way up until the week before my due date.
I've been really focused on practicing my breathing
(all of my yoga meditations are really paying off)
I've been learning to rely on showers and Robbie to calm me down.
(these Braxton Hicks have been wonderful for practicing since they can come and go pretty frequently and pretty hard, although not painful)
Robbie is now on board with the whole drug-free thing, although he doesn't quite understand why I would "want to be in pain" haha but that's ok. He just wants to see me have a delivery that I could potentially be in control of and not as frightening as it was with Lia.
But that's the best part. When we go through something like a labor that didn't go as planned,
you just reevaluate and figure out where things kind of went wrong and prepare better for the next time around to try and avoid repeating the same mistakes!
I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful month and has a wonderful Mother's Day!

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