Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Great News...

Yes, we are expecting another little peanut on July 1st, 2014!
We announced it to our family over Thanksgiving dinner (at 9weeks along), which I hosted at our new house this year!
This was the announcement we made to our friends!
I have got to tell you though, hosting Thanksgiving pregnant was horrible.
Dinner was fantastic and the company was even better, but way too much work for me to do by myself.
Up 'til 3am and back up at 7:30am with swollen feet (yes, surprisingly this early)
It was so hard, I was just miserable and didn't really feel like eating anything!
Now I am 11 weeks!
So far everything is the opposite of how it was with Lia.
I felt like carrying Lia was a breeze.
Now I'm just miserable constantly.
I don't know if it's because I work graveyards four nights a week, or watching a toddler and tending to a large house... but I've been so tired!
My new hormones have really made their impact most with giving more frequent and more intense migraines, which that's my biggest problem.
Even though I've gone through migraines for as long as I can remember, I've been able to manage them. Until now that is. They make me bed ridden. It's terrible. I've even had to call into work sick one night!
I'm so excited to have this baby here!
Everything that we go through is worth it, we immediately forget it all when they arrive!
Lia is taking this in.. not sure she understands how much things will change, but she loves to give the baby kisses on my belly and show off her own belly!
It's crazy cute!
After everything we went through this year, I'm sure glad the new year is almost here!
Buggy is even turning 3 next weekend! Can you believe it?
How do I have a 3 year old and how will I be a mom of two?!
This is just crazy!!
Robbie and I just can't seem to stay away from having babies over holidays! At least they will have birthday almost exactly 6 months apart!!

In the meantime, Christmas has arrived at our house!
Robbie was amazing and got our Christmas lights up on the outside of the house!
He did a great job!
We also got our Christmas tree up and I'm so in love with it!
Now if only we were actually prepared for Christmas to be here!
We haven't been able to go out and really shop yet, so luckily Robbie and I are sneaking out, leaving Lia with my mom and grab some good deals!

Now that I'm starting to show a little, I'll be posting pictures bi-weekly until a belly really decides to make it's appearance!

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and posts! Your tree is gorgeous!
