Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How is it possible

that our kids grow up and our lives just move so fast. Even your laziest of days go by quicker than the day before. What do we do? Do we just keep living our normal day to day lives? Well, what else can we do? I'm not sure, but I hope someone comes up with a solution pretty darn quick.

Duke is walking.... Yep. You read that correctly. Is he good at it? No. Is he fast? No. But he can do it and does it only when he's forced and has an audience to watch  and praise the heck out of him. Needless to say, it will be any day/week now until he sticks with walking for good. 

Lia just had her preschool evaluation today. Basically to see what kind of level she is on. We work on her reading and writing skills pretty often so I wasn't too worried. She's a smart kiddo.

Lia's been really hard lately. We haven't been getting a long as much as I'd like. I don't know if its the fact that we are both strong headed people or that I'm around her too much and we get on each others nerves. Sometimes I get concerned, thinking that her and I won't have a good relationship or be close. I don't want that at all!! Hopefully its just a phase.

Robbie and I don't see that much of each other. Maybe just a couple of hours a night. He's working a ton and now with me working its becoming less and less especially because I've been taking on extra shifts to help with coverage. Luckily though, they are getting me a laptop so k can do some of my shifts at home!!! I'll probably keep my Saturdays and Sundays in the office because it would be too loud to be on the phone with the kids around, awake. But on my smaller shifts that I pick up, are  usually at night when the kids are sleeping and I'll be able to stay home with my family and get paid for working. Yay!

Hopefully some good changes are coming our way! I know Lia is really excited to go back to school. I've been working really hard everyday to keep the house looking nice. I'm still struggling with laundry, but let's get real, will I ever really be on top of that? Probably not.

Other than life being crazy busy and a little chaotic and very loud. We are doing well and pushing through life :)

I can't remember what pics have been posted before but this is from a neighborhood block party. Lia asked for a spider mask face and the lady gave her a spiderman mask but it had glitter so of course Lia didn't care. 

So duke never has his tongue in his mouth. Its always hanging out. Just like this haha

Because she is still gorgeous and perfect when she is asleep. 

Yesterday prepping for her school interview. 

And duke is just a goof. All the time. 

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