Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Let's talk about Easter

Easter was one to remember. 
Started the day off with an egg hunt at the house and opening up their baskets. 

We then had brunch at my mom's house. 
At brunch, Duke choked a little on some watermelon and he ended up throwing up, a lot. Little did I know that would set the tone for the whole day. 

We got in the car about 12:30pm and began our long drive to Phoenix! 

It started off great! The kids slept for a few hours, we stopped in Toquerville to fuel up and go potty. I fed Duke a food pouch and. We were on our way. About an hour later, Lia started yelling that Duke was throwing up so much.. 
Well I reached back there to clean him up and realized he'd need an entire outfit change and clean his car seat. 
From this point, he was breathing heavier and it was crackily but nothing too suspicious since that's how he gets when he gets a cold.. No big deal. 

Well, about another hour later, I take him out of he's seat to nurse him, I know, not the safest thing to do, but the faster we get to Phoenix, the better. Almost immediately after he gets done nursing, he throws up again.. Ugh! We race to flagstaff. Top off our gas, and picked up some food. I gave him a couple fries, since that helps everyone when they have an upset stomach. And it did the trick. I stayed in the back with him while we finished our drive. 

We pull up to our grandparents house get out and mingle for a second and I take Duke into the back in the quiet so he can rest and nurse a little bit more. 
Well, this where it went bad. He started struggling to breathe. Breathing heavy, nose flaring. I open his pj's and see his skin is retracting into his ribs which is a sign of a breathing struggle. 
We weren't even in town for 45 minutes before we end up rushing him to an urgent care center near by. We get there like 13 minutes before they were set to close for the night. 

They test his oxygen, he's at 93% which is better than they expected. They discovered a massive double ear infection, gave him a breathing treatment and watched him for the next little while. He seemed to be responding to the inhaler, which was great. And we were to repeat that treatment every four hours for the next few days. 

Luckily little man is a million times better. No more scares. I do keep going back and saying what if I didnt notice his retractions, what if we didn't go in even after seeing that. Just to wait it out. Would he still be here?? I know I can't do things like that to myself. Just was a scary moment for us all. 

We found out 10days later that his ear infection had cleared up and that Duke's cold is what caused all of this. 
It started out as a respiratory infection that inflamed his lungs and the bacteria grew and gave him the ear infections and his little body couldn't handle all the stress and then came the throwing up and the breathing struggles. Which she said is a red flag for asthma. 

Food allergies, eczema, and asthma all go together like pals at the park. 
We just need to give him treatments when we notice any coughing or if it seems like he could be getting sick because that's when the episodes usually take place. 

He's my little trooper guy that never stops surprising us.  

Him taking his breathing treatment. This picture is sad because he was just sick of it since it had been over a week of this contraption being held over his face! He hasn't used it in over a week now though! Hallelujah! 

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