Thursday, September 3, 2015

Can't believe it's already September

Thought you would want some new pictures of our life the last few weeks. :)

I've been enjoying my alone time with Duke while Lia is at school.. I try not to feel guilty even though most of the time I do.. Because we miss her and wish she could be having fun with us too. 
Lia is LOVING school and loving her new teacher, Ms. Thompson. Yesterday she was just telling me all she learned about our planet Earth and some of the other planets... Always melts my heart. I hate that she is having to repeat preschool though... Its kind of frustrating because she has to relearn everything she's already learned and basically has to wait until the rest of her class is ready to catch up with her with things like reading.. But she seems to be learning still and is behaving perfectly so that's great! 
I got invited to go to the Luke Bryan concert last second with my two longest best friends, Qazia and Ambree. They had an extra free ticket and I jumped at the chance. After scrambling for a babysitter I was able to go. 
The concert was amazing! It was fun to let loose, not worry too much about the kids and just be in the moment with my best friends. I even learned a beer I like. Redd's Green Apple Ale. Hahaha I know, I know.. I normally never drink. Especially not beer but I'm okay with it! Kenlee was also there with friends and I gave them a lift home, after searching for my car for an hour! Ugh! That's the last time I park in the very back hidden parking lot, that's for sure. 

My mom's been on full wedding mode for a little over a month now. Her wedding dress is hanging up in my closet and Duke's outfit has arrived as well, as you can see above. Its going to be gorgeous affair. 
Duke has been growing like a weed. To me he is seeming pretty dang tall. Still obsessed with balls!!! Like its equivalent to Lia's obsession with horses a year or two back. Its pretty deep. He can even say "ball" which doesn't surprise me much. He loves football and golf but basketball seems to be his favorite. We make a hoop with our arms and he loves to dunk on us. Haha 
The love that Lia and Duke have though is amazing. Its the best thing in the world to watch them play together. 

Robbie, he's working his butt off as usual. He got a "sorta promotion" at work. Basically a new title more than anything. But it may lead to a supervisor position here soon and finally get him off the doors!! 

As for me, I'm busier than ever. I got my desk set up at home for work and they've been keeping me busy on it. Along with Lia's school and swim lessons, cleaning and cooking, going to the gym, helping my mom with wedding stuff.. I've been a little overwhelmed, trying to figure out how to schedule everything just right. I'm sure it will all be figured out soon. I had to take this week off from the gym, just so I could get a little more sleep because I've been feeling so exhausted. I did, however, pick up reading and I love it. I'm into more the action series (teen books) haha they keep me interested which is hard to do. I love reading, I just have a hard time finding good books that I like. I did find a new series though!!! Its the maze runner series. I watched the movie a few times and of course, had to know what happened next so went out and bought the next book and the next one. Hahaha I'm on book number three, then I'm onto book four!! Reading is kind of keeping me sane and keeps me from things like my phone or the internet or TV.. I'm really working on that. The kids and I have been spending like 80% of our days off electronics other than listening to music. Its been great and I've seen a difference in the kids because of it. 

Well that's all I have for now! 

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